What do you know about Augsburg? Well, it’s in Swabia…WASS!?…the South of Germany but it isn’t Munich. Augsburg is a pretty town noted as the birthplace of Mozart’s Pa, Leopold…and Bertold Brecht…and being in Bavaria. All good lederhosen-wearing, stein-drinking, thigh-slapping stuff then. But none of these are the reasons why Rainer Hersch is heading there…

Parktheater im Kurhaus Göggingen
Rainer’s very own Orkestra of madcap virtuosi will take to the stage with Classic Greats: Comedy Gold on 6 September at the enchanting Parktheater im Kurhaus Göggingen. And in Rainer’s own words:
Somebody German once described England as ‘Das Land Ohne Musik’: The land with out music. Bloody cheek. Had they never heard of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s ‘Starlight Express’ or ‘Your Beautiful’ by James Blunt? (Actually, probably, yes – as I write this, sitting in a cafe in Berlin, Starlight Express is alive and well at a theatre, Bochum and for all I know James Blunt is in it). But that won’t stop me and my Orchestra dropping-in on any Teutonic ‘Theater’ that pleases to teach them a thing or two. Oh yes, they might have Bach, Beethoven and Brahms alright but have they ever heard the Flight of the Bumblebee backwards on a violin, on one string with the violin held upside down? No, thought not. (Come to think of it, neither have we. Note to self: must try to build that in somehow).
So it is that we have gigs planned for Berlin, Freiburg, Munich and, first stop, the beautiful Park Theater Augsburg. Now that is a real gem: built 1886 – it’s all colonnades and colored glass so even if the burghers of Augsburg hate the show, they can still stare up at ceiling and admire the ironwork. During the quiet bits, they might turn to their Neighbour and wonder if it is Musik that we are doing, these English people. Ja really? Musik from the Land Ohne Musik? Yes, Musik und Comedy in the Land Ohne Komedie. Well, they started it.
With games, stand-up comedy and Rainer’s reworking of classics from Tchaikovsky to Titanic, this is guaranteed to produce an unforgettable evening of laughter and superb music.
So if you fancy making a special trip to the south of Germany to see this brilliant comedian and genius conductor Rainer Hersch take to the stage in this unique venue, book your tickets now directly from the venue.